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AdeptID achieves SOC 2 Type 1 status; Upholding AdeptID’s privacy and security standards

by Admin 06/28/2022

AdeptID is extremely proud to announce that we have achieved SOC 2 Type 1 status!

System and Organization Controls (SOC) are the reports produced by audits through the American Institute of Certified Accountants (AICPA). The purpose of these audits are to take a look at a company’s organizational structure in regards to their technical systems, as well as checking data security metrics company-wide. After a thorough evaluation that took several months, AdeptID has been granted status as a SOC 2 Type 1 company.

In our fast-flux society, it is crucial to be aware of the consequences and implications of having a messy, unmanaged technical system. Typically, privacy issues, data leaks, data loss, and computing deficiencies can arise from such improperly run operations. Considering this and our commitment to upholding company-wide values, being able to protect our data, systems and technological integrity is a necessity. Additionally, our partners rely on our ability to manage mass amounts of data and it is part of our mission to follow through on these promises.

As a whole, we want to thank our fellow team member, Ryan Curry, for his dedication and diligence in obtaining SOC 2 Type 1 status. Ryan took it upon himself to maximize the efficiency of our systems in regards to data security, computing abilities and protection of privacy. It took a lot of coordination between teams and installation of new software.

While it is an honor and privilege to be a part of this community of organizations, AdeptID is not quite done yet. Our next step will be achieving SOC 2 Type 2 status.

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