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AdeptID welcomes Ryan Curry

by Fernando Rodriguez-Villa 03/15/2021


When we started our search for a new engineer back in December, we were hopeful that we could find someone just as motivated by the societal problems and the technical challenges as we are.

That person would have to be equal to the task both technically and temperamentally; they’d have to understand that our company’s journey will not follow a straight line. However, our new teammate would need to be indefatigable in their pursuit of our constant goal: Improving job mobility for the middle-skilled workforce.

It is our company philosophy that talent can come from anywhere… In this case, “anywhere” is Pittsburgh, PA.

Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Ryan Curry is currently a resident of Westminster, CO, which situates him perfectly for his beloved outdoor activities of Biking and Skiing.

Ryan has built successful machine learning software from ideation through to production. Recently, he worked on an NLP project that classified companies using text data, state-of-the-art machine learning libraries, and transfer learning. He has also built a recommender system that helps college graduates find their first jobs with companies in Colorado. While our focus is on the workforce without college degrees, Ryan’s lessons from this work will be invaluable as AdeptID continues to develop its own recommendation engine between talent, training, and demand.

He is a former founder himself. Qubify Labs, a consultancy that he co-founded applied machine learning and quantum computing to financial data. There, he built a cloud-based, fully-automated trading system for financial markets.

Ryan enjoys reading, traveling, extreme sports, and studying martial arts when not building machine learning projects.

Saying Ryan is an avid reader is putting it lightly… he’s read more than 200 books over the past 5 years!

“The vast majority is non-fiction (biographies, physics, AI, finance, math, blockchain/crypto, software development, classics, philosophy, logic, self-learning, etc.) When I do read fiction it has been increasingly Sci-fi with some classics and best sellers (Isaac Asimov, Iain Banks’ Culture series, etc.)”

He’s studied a range of martial arts, from Muay Thai, to Kickboxing (his current focus)…

“The learning and progressing aspects are what I like the most about martial arts. I always come away with a great workout and feeling like I learned something new or improved my skills.”

(An incredibly even-keeled, thoughtful individual, he insists we shouldn’t be afraid of these skills… Though we should work with our partners at Emsi to make them legible.)

Ryan joining AdeptID raises the bar for us – we have to accomplish even more to live up to the extraordinary talent of the team now that he’s part of it. We’re excited about what’s to come for him, for us, and for the stakeholders we serve.

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