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AdeptID welcomes Tammi Chen!

by Fernando Rodriguez-Villa 05/07/2021


AdeptID has an ambitious but often amorphous mission – to make job mobility easier and more inclusive for workers without college degrees. We have a technology offering that touches a variety of stakeholders in myriad ways.

While the technology behind our offering is complex, the experience of working with it needs to be clear, consistent, even delightful!

In Tammi, we’re lucky to have found a creative, versatile Designer who will help us ensure that our product experience is engaging and user-oriented.

She’ll be responsible for user research and distillation of use cases while working directly with our partners to make sure our technology is finding its way into real workflows. Along the way, she’ll help us ensure our website, product documentation, and presentation materials reflect the authentic and inclusive brand we want.

Tammi was an engineer by training before finding her passion for design. She worked with Capital One’s Innovation Center and Chadwick & Son Orchid in redesigning their customer experience. She conducted research on Spotify users before designing a way to help them understand the platform’s algorithm. She’s also created delivery apps and a new networking experience for students. She co-founded Liftoff Innovations, which provides affordable consulting to small businesses and startups. She holds a B.S. from VCU and is finishing up her M.S. in Experience Design at Northeastern.

In her free time, you’ll probably find her rock climbing or zooming around on her orange bike.

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