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Kenyon’s Two-Year Adeptiversary

by adeptidstg 08/01/2023

One of our Software Engineers, Kenyon Allan, is celebrating their two-year anniversary at AdeptID! To commemorate, we learned more about Kenyon.

How did you come to find AdeptID and why did you choose to work here?

I originally decided to take up a Computer Science major with the idea that it gave me a skillset I could provide towards making a positive change in the world. When I applied for my 2nd co-op through Northeastern University, I kept my mind open to interesting technical projects that could enact positive change, and AdeptID fit that description super nicely. My first outreach was with Fernando who informed me that I had typo’d my email on my resume!

In what ways do you feel your work contributes to the AdeptID mission?

As an API first company, software engineering ends up being what AdeptID brings to the table to accomplish its mission. Myself and others on our small engineering team therefore end up being integral to seeing our goals reached!

What is one of your favorite moments from your time at Adept ID?

I think by far my favorite part of working at AdeptID is the people I get to work with and the culture they create. The times we’ve gotten together after work to just hang out, get food somewhere nearby, talk, and laugh are definitely my favorites. 🙂

How long have you been running and where is your favorite place to run in the Boston area?

I started running in high school for cross country, and run pretty casually now. My favorite running route in Boston starts at NEU’s campus, goes across the Mass Ave bridge, then loops around the Charles/MGH bridge to run across the esplanade, and back to campus in a 5-mile loop. I haven’t been able to run it in a while, but I hope to try it again soon!

What are you looking forward to in the future of AdeptID?

I think it’s really common with startups to be a little bit disorganized when they get going, and we’ve definitely built up our fair share of technical debt. I’m excited that lately we’ve been making a lot of great progress to clean a lot of that up, and our ability to organize and share information on the tech side has been better than ever and continues to improve.

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