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What is AdeptID up to?

by Fernando Rodriguez-Villa 10/29/2020


Changing jobs between industries is incredibly hard, particularly for the 80m working Americans who haven’t gone to college. Meanwhile, employers in growing sectors like Healthcare and Renewable Energy can’t hire fast enough from their traditional sources of applicants.

However, a person’s past work may have given them many of the skills they need to succeed in a seemingly different role. If employers could find these people, they would hire faster and more inclusively.

AdeptID uses machine learning on underlying skills data to identify non-obvious, high-likelihood transitions, specifically for roles that don’t require college degrees.

AdeptID’s mission is to make job transitions easier for the 80 million working Americans without college degrees. We believe this group has been particularly vulnerable to displacement, and that longer working lives and increased rate of technological change are a recipe for personal and societal disaster if we don’t make it easier to recognize transferable skills.

We believe the best way for us to serve this population is by making it easier for employers to hire them. That’s why our initial work is focused on helping employers identify candidates on the basis of skills.

We’re fortunate to be partnering with an initial cohort of employers in the healthcare and renewable energy sectors who share our passion for making talent acquisition easier and more inclusive.

Our work with them is teaching us a lot about how to make our technology useful for talent acquisition and workforce development practitioners. It is also providing us with crucial outcomes data, that is making our recommendations more accurate and more nuanced.

If you’re interested in partnering with us as we build a comprehensive recommendation engine for middle-skilled job transitions, please reach out.

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